Millfield Primary School

  1. News
  2. Staffing structure and class organisation - September 2024

Staffing structure and class organisation - September 2024

28 June 2024 (by admin)

Details of staffing arrangements and class organisation for the next academic year (September 2024).

At this time of the school year a great deal of preparation is going on in school for the next academic year and getting pupils ready for the next stage in their education.

Part of this process is deciding on class groupings and staffing structure for September 2024.

This year a number of staff are moving year groups in order to develop their own practise and give them teaching experience across the school.

Miss Holden will be moving to Year 2 and Miss Youson will be moving to Year 3.

Mr Atkins and Mr Walker will be moving to Year 4 whilst Mrs Fisher will be moving to Year 5.

Mrs Griffin will remain in Year 1 next academic year.

Mrs Bates will be joining us again to teach in Year 1 until Miss Taylor’s re-joins the school following the end of her maternity leave.

The new staffing structure is shown below along with which current class will have which teacher next year.

Pupils will be informed of these groups in our Star of the Week assembly this afternoon.

2H – Miss Holden to teach current 1G

2T – Miss Timson to teach current 1Y

3I – Miss Ingram to teach current 2T

3Y – Miss Youson to teach current 2F

4A – Mr Atkins to teach current 3HW

4W – Mr Walker to teach current 3I

5F – Mrs Fisher to teach current 4P

6N – Mr Newbold to teach current 5A

6SW – Mrs Smith / Mr Wiggett to teach current 5W

Our EYFS staff have worked hard to organise their current pupils into class sets so that pupils are in more suitable groups ready for Year 1 and the more formal Key Stage 1 curriculum.

Parents / carers will be informed of these groupings and which teacher will be teaching their child next year in a letter going home with EYFS pupils this afternoon.

Pupils will get a chance to spend the morning with their new teachers in their new classrooms as part of our ‘Moving On’ morning on Wednesday 10th July.

We have no teachers leaving us at the end of the academic year but there is one familiar face who will be leaving us at the end of next week.

Miss Wadsworth who was a teaching assistant at our school. has been. over the past year. working as a trainee teacher to gain her teaching qualification. Having completed her training Miss Wadsworth is leaving us to take up a full time teaching role in another local school.

We wish Miss Wadsworth all the best for the future and thank her for all her incredible hard work and dedication to pupils in her time at Millfield