School Self Evaluation

School self-evaluation is a process by which the senior leadership team and teaching staff in our school evaluate the education we offer pupils and identify areas for action to stimulate improvement in teaching and learning and other aspects of the school's work.

Our school self evaluation statement is a document which sets out where our school is now in terms of the quality of education we deliver to pupils as well as identify areas for further improvement which are further developed in our School Improvement Plan.

Our school self evaluation statement is reviewed with any necessary changes made every month. 

Our SEF (Self Evaluation Form) for May 2023 is available by clicking here. 


School Improvement Plan

Millfield Primary School – School Improvement Plan - Sept 2022 to July 2023

Areas for Improvement / Key Aims

To raise the standard of achievement and attainment in pupil writing through consistent focus on teaching of writing skills and by developing pupils’ enjoyment of writing across the curriculum.

For all staff to consistently use ‘in lesson assessments’ to ensure pupils have learnt what has been intended and to adapt teaching as necessary within the lesson so that new knowledge and skills are embedded.

 Key aim – Behaviour and Attitudes

To build further on the good behaviour culture in school with pupils supporting each other through a peer mentoring scheme to build positive relationships among peers throughout the school and provide role models to younger children.

Key aim – Personal Development

To develop pupil knowledge and understanding of the opportunities open to them in their futures so that they have high aspirations and know the importance of making the most of their potential in order to benefit themselves and wider society.

Key aim – Leadership and Management

For subject leaders throughout the school to ensure that their curriculum subject is embedded securely and consistently enabling pupils to have the skills and knowledge needed so that all pupils know, remember and can do more in all subjects.

Key aim – Early Years Education

To raise the standard of achievement and attainment in pupil writing through the development of ‘big talk’ to ensure pupils articulate ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences.



The aim of our school improvement plan is to set out a cycle of actions that reflects a commitment to continuous self-review and improvement.

It outlines the improvement or development opportunities that the stakeholders in the school have identified as being the main priorities to be addressed in order to raise standards.  It identifies the actions, resources, responsibilities, measurable milestones, targets and success criteria associated with each opportunity and prioritise them to make best use of available funding or resources.

The targets below were developed with members of the school Governing Board at a meeting in school on Friday 3rd September 2021.

At the heart of all the targets set in this plan for this academic year is a focus on a return to a more normal school experience for pupils (and staff) and identifying and addressing learning gaps that have developed over the past 18 months.




Our School Improvement Plan is updated at the end of every term (December / April / July) with progress towards key aims reviewed.

Our latest School Improvement Plan is available by clicking here.