Congratulations to our netball team who made it through to the county finals last night winning all three of their matches against other schools.
Well done to the team of Allegra, Alice, Bessie, Jess, Lydia, Lucy, Rosie and Zara and thanks to their coach Miss Crook for all her efforts preparing them for the competition.
Last week our Year 3 cross country teams did exceptionally well in their rescheduled event at The Rawlett School.
The boys team came first in their race with the girls team coming second. A great result! Thank you to all the parents / carers who came and supported the children and helped with transport to and from the event.
Our Year 4 boys and girls teams have their rescheduled cross country competition tomorrow (Thursday 27th March). Good luck!
We also before the end of term have the Tamworth Primary Schools swimming gala in which we have a number of pupils competing. Thank you to Mr Atkins for organising our participation inthis.
Finally don't forget we are taking part in National Skipping Day this Friday 28th March and all pupils are encouraged to wear PE kit into school on this day to take part in activities and Skip to be Fit!
On Friday 4th April FOMS (Friends of Millfield School) are running a book swap morning at school.
Each pupil will have the chance to come to the hall and choose a preloved book to take home and keep.
We would welcome any donations of your old childrens' books to help with our event.
Please send these in to school with your child any day from Thursday 27th March to Wednesday 2nd April and they will be collected from classroom.
Let's get book swopping!
Our Parent Consulatation Evenings for this term are scheduled for Wednesday 9th April and Thursday 10th April.
Appointsment can be booked from 4.00pm on Monday 31st March online at
These meetings are an important opportunity to discuss your child's progress and learning since September before the final term of this academic year and we would urge all parents / carers to make every effort to attend.
Parents / carers are invited to come and join us on Friday 14th February 2025 for an online safety presentation focused on helping to empower parents / carers to keep their children safe and start key safeguarding conversations.
Welcome to Millfield Primary School part of the Community Academies Trust.
As head teacher of Millfield I am extremely proud of the role and responsibility I have of leading and managing the school and making it the very best that it can be.
These are challenging but exciting times for Millfield Primary as we continue to move forward and ensure that all of our pupils make the best possible progress and achieve at the highest possible level.
We work hard to ensure all our pupils experience an exciting, engaging curriculum at our school that provides them with the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage of their education and their future lives.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. It is the most important skill that we must teach our pupils to ensure that they become fluent readers as quickly as possible.
We want every pupil at this school to be a confident, fluent reader who not only reads to learn but also reads for pleasure.
I am, along with all staff and all governors, committed to making our school a centre of excellence. We are all dedicated to accepting nothing but the best for our school and doing everything in our power to help every single pupil achieve their very best.
If your require any further information about the school or wish to make an appointment to visit us please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Mr S Kelly - Head Teacher