At Millfield Primary School we will give children a breadth of musical experiences and opportunities which will be diverse and accessible to all.
Through this, they will foster a love of music and gain greater respect, teamwork, confidence, and creative skills.
Singing is embedded in our music curriculum and is inclusive and engaging. There are weekly singing assemblies for both KS1 and KS2. Children are also given opportunities to play instruments from year 1 - 6 with clear progression and opportunities to develop fluency and consolidate learning.
In KS1 music is linked to the broader curriculum through songs and creative musical experiences whilst use of the Charanga scheme of work ensures clear progression and consolidation. Children find their voice, make expressive use of the glockenspiel and unpitched percussion instruments.
A qualified music specialist teaches music throughout KS2. Whole class recorder playing is accessed in year 3 and children are given the opportunity to continue this by joining the recorder band. In year 4 pupils make further use of the glockenspiel to learn about the major and pentatonic scales, play simple melodies, improvise, and compose. From year 5 children develop an understanding of chords and harmony which is facilitated by learning to play the Ukulele in class.
Through diverse listening opportunities children learn about different genres, instruments of the orchestra, famous composers, and the musical eras, as well as music from other cultures and black music history. We welcome live music visitors into school and all children enjoy a live music performance at the end of each academic year. Year 6 also take part in an African drumming workshop to enrich their MAAFA topic. In upper KS2 music tech is used to organise & manipulate sound as part of their composition work.
Pupils in every year are given regular opportunities to perform to others, either in school, our local church or the wider community. In recent years, we have taken groups of children to sing at the Lichfield Cathedral, the Young Voices concert in Birmingham and Middleton Hall in Tamworth.
In KS2 extra-curricular opportunities are available such as a lunchtime choir, ukulele club and recorder band.
All KS2 pupils are also given the opportunity to learn the keyboard or guitar through visiting peripatetic teachers.
At Millfield Primary School we will give children a breadth of musical experiences and opportunities which will be diverse and accessible to all.
Through this, they will foster a love of music and gain greater respect, teamwork, confidence, and creative skills.
Singing is embedded in our music curriculum and is inclusive and engaging. There are weekly singing assemblies for both KS1 and KS2. Children are also given opportunities to play instruments from year 1 - 6 with clear progression and opportunities to develop fluency and consolidate learning.
In KS1 music is linked to the broader curriculum through songs and creative musical experiences whilst use of the Charanga scheme of work ensures clear progression and consolidation. Children find their voice, make expressive use of the glockenspiel and unpitched percussion instruments.
A qualified music specialist teaches music throughout KS2. Whole class recorder playing is accessed in year 3 and children are given the opportunity to continue this by joining the recorder band. In year 4 pupils make further use of the glockenspiel to learn about the major and pentatonic scales, play simple melodies, improvise, and compose. From year 5 children develop an understanding of chords and harmony which is facilitated by learning to play the Ukulele in class.
Through diverse listening opportunities children learn about different genres, instruments of the orchestra, famous composers, and the musical eras, as well as music from other cultures and black music history. We welcome live music visitors into school and all children enjoy a live music performance at the end of each academic year. Year 6 also take part in an African drumming workshop to enrich their MAAFA topic. In upper KS2 music tech is used to organise & manipulate sound as part of their composition work.
Pupils in every year are given regular opportunities to perform to others, either in school, our local church or the wider community. In recent years, we have taken groups of children to sing at the Lichfield Cathedral, the Young Voices concert in Birmingham and Middleton Hall in Tamworth.
In KS2 extra-curricular opportunities are available such as a lunchtime choir, ukulele club and recorder band.
All KS2 pupils are also given the opportunity to learn the keyboard or guitar through visiting peripatetic teachers.