Next week (from 3rd February to the 9th February) it is Children’s Mental Health Week where we will look at how we can help our pupils keep their minds fit and healthy as well as think positively!
Children's Mental Health Week is a mental health awareness week that launched by children's mental health charity, Place2Be.
The week exists to empower, equip and give a voice to all children and young people in the UK.
Throughout the week in school, we will be taking part in various activities that link to our 5 Ways to Wellbeing.
You and your family can also take part in Children's Mental Health Week from home.
In 2025, the week’s focus will be Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. We want to equip and empower children, young people, and the adults who surround them to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them.
Click here to visit the Place2Be web page which has information for families about Children's Mental Health Week and where you can download top tips and activities.
Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 11th February and we will be taking part in this day as part of our ongoing work educating children how to stay safe online.
During this week on Friday 14th February at 9.15am there will be a presentation for parents / carers about online safety.
The aim of this presentation will be to help empower parents / carers to keep their children safe online and start key safeguarding conversations.
The presentation will be suitable for parents / carers of children throughout the school from EYFS to Year 6 and will cover:
- Talking to your child about online safety
- Device use and ownership
- Supervision and Parental Controls
- Screen time
- Social Media and Gaming
- Age Requirements
If any parent / carer would like to attend please join us in the school hall at 9.00am (for a 9.15am start) on Friday 14th February.
For further information please email:
Admission to EYFS / Reception Class - September 2025
It is vitally important that any parent / carer who wants a place for their child in EYFS at our school in September 2025 completes their application before the closing date of the 15th January.
On their web site Staffordshire County Council state:
Last year there were over 250 late applications.
This may have affected the outcome of these applications.
We have had a significant increase this academic year in the number of parents / carers visiting the school to have a look around to inform their applications, so we feel that the demand for places in September 2025 could be high.
if your child's fifth birthday is between 1 September 2025 and 31 August 2026 for a place at first, infant or primary school
The application process for EYFS Reception places for September 2025 opens on 1st November 2024 with the closing date being the 15th January 2025.
To apply for school places you need to go to
Parents / carers are invited to come and join us on Friday 14th February 2025 for an online safety presentation focused on helping to empower parents / carers to keep their children safe and start key safeguarding conversations.
Welcome to Millfield Primary School part of the Community Academies Trust.
As head teacher of Millfield I am extremely proud of the role and responsibility I have of leading and managing the school and making it the very best that it can be.
These are challenging but exciting times for Millfield Primary as we continue to move forward and ensure that all of our pupils make the best possible progress and achieve at the highest possible level.
We work hard to ensure all our pupils experience an exciting, engaging curriculum at our school that provides them with the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage of their education and their future lives.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. It is the most important skill that we must teach our pupils to ensure that they become fluent readers as quickly as possible.
We want every pupil at this school to be a confident, fluent reader who not only reads to learn but also reads for pleasure.
I am, along with all staff and all governors, committed to making our school a centre of excellence. We are all dedicated to accepting nothing but the best for our school and doing everything in our power to help every single pupil achieve their very best.
If your require any further information about the school or wish to make an appointment to visit us please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Mr S Kelly - Head Teacher