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Lost Property / Reminders about Jewellery and Watches
5/03/2025 11:55 AM
Lost Property / Reminders about Jewellery and Watches

Lost Property

Our lost property boxes will be in our entrance hall over the next couple of afternoons after school for parent / carers and pupils to check for any missing items.

Please remember to label all items - coats, jumpers, cardigans and wather bottles with pupil names to prevent items going missing.


Rings, necklaces, bracelets are a hazard in schooland should not be worn. (Please note the exception to this is any jewellery that needs to be worn for medical reasons, e.g. a medical bracelet).

The wearing of earrings is discouraged in school.

If parents opt for their child to wear earrings they must be small plain gold/silver studs only; hoops and large or dangly earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons.

Only one pair of small studs is allowed to be worn in school (please note these will need to be taped up or removed during PE lessons and activities).

Children are allowed watches to school but these should not be smart watches which could allow photographs to be taken and could be linked to the internet.

Can we also remind parents / carers that make up, nail varnish and acrylic nails are not appropriate for children to wear to school. Acrylic nails in particular are a health and safety hazard.


Check Your Child's Internet Use
25/02/2025 9:20 AM
Check Your Child's Internet Use

A reminder to check pupil's mobile phone and internet use outside of school in order to keep them safe online.

If you were unable to attend our recent online safety presentation these slides are now available by clicking here.

Recent research from Ofcom (the UK's communications regulator) has shown that nearly a quarter of UK five-to-seven-year-olds now have their own smartphone.

At school we have noticed that the problems reported to us regarding issues of mobile phone use outside of school between pupils, has been increasing further down the school with issues now reported between pupils in Year 3 and even younger. 

The majority of these issues relate to children posting messages to each other which are not appropriate and which they would not say face to face in real life.

These messages are posted through apps such as Snapchat and WhatsApp, or through other online messaging services, or sometimes simply through text messages.

We also have other more serious issues raised to us regarding children accessing inappropriate content and inappropriate communications with people they do not know outside of school.

We would urge all parents / carers to regularly check their child’s mobile phone for appropriate safe use, and that all pupils DO NOT have unsupervised access to mobile phones and other internet connected devices in their bedrooms.

If you do allow your child to use social media and other messaging applications, please make sure they understand the following rules which we remind them of every week in class and in school assemblies:

Always keep your profile private. 
Never accept friend you do not know in real life. 
Never post anything which could reveal your identity including photographs wearing school uniform where possible.
Never post anything you wouldn’t want your parents or teachers to see.
Never agree to meet somebody you only know online without telling a trusted adult.
Always tell someone if you feel threatened or someone upsets you.

At school we have strong filtering and security software in place which prevents children accessing inappropriate content and monitors their computer use - most broadband providers have similar security measures that can be put in place to carry out a similar job at home and this might be something parents / carers want to consider if not already in place.

If any parent / carers needs further information regarding the school's teaching of e-safety please look at the page on our website or contact the school for further information.

Changes to our Behaviour Policy
16/12/2024 12:00 AM

We are very proud at our school of the good behaviour of our pupils and this is regularly commented positively on by parents / carers, staff and visitors to our school.

We want to make this good behaviour - great behaviour.  We want to take what works well at our school and improve it further/

This morning Mr Wiggett led a special assembly with all KS1 and KS2 pupils and shared updates to our school behaviour policy.

These changes are designed to continue to ensure a positive and respectful learning environment for everyone.

The updates include a revised system of rewards and sanctions, the addition of restorative conversations and removal of the current behaviour ladder to support our approach.

Our aim is to help every child understand the importance of their choices and the impact they have on themselves and others.

These changes have come about following a great deal of discussion with pupils and between staff.

We will share the updated policy with you after the Christmas break and invite you into school to provide further information.

Many thanks for your support.

Upcoming Events

Parents / carers are invited to come and join us on Friday 14th February 2025 for an online safety presentation focused on helping to empower parents / carers to keep their children safe and start key safeguarding conversations.


Welcome to Millfield Primary School part of the Community Academies Trust.

As head teacher of Millfield I am extremely proud of the role and responsibility I have of leading and managing the school and making it the very best that it can be.

These are challenging but exciting times for Millfield Primary as we continue to move forward and ensure that all of our pupils make the best possible progress and achieve at the highest possible level.

We work hard to ensure all our pupils experience an exciting, engaging curriculum at our school that provides them with the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage of their education and their future lives.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. It is the most important skill that we must teach our pupils to ensure that they become fluent readers as quickly as possible. 

We want every pupil at this school to be a confident, fluent reader who not only reads to learn but also reads for pleasure.

I am, along with all staff and all governors, committed to making our school a centre of excellence.  We are all  dedicated to accepting nothing but the best for our school and doing everything in our power to help every single pupil achieve their very best.

If your require any further information about the school or wish to make an appointment to visit us please do not hesitate to contact the school office.                                                               

Mr S Kelly - Head  Teacher