Parents Evening Information


As a school we know how important the relationships and communication are between home and

Parent consultation evenings play a very important role in this process.

Our parent consultation evenings in the autumn and spring term are face to face meetings.

These meetings take place over two evenings (Wednesday and Thursdays) between 3.30pm and 6.30pm.

Appointments for these meetings are booked via our SchoolCloud booking system:

Our Parent Consultation Evenings for this academic year are:

  • Wednesday 23rd October and Thursday 24th October 2024
  • Wednesday 9th April and Thursday 10th April 2025


In addition to these evenings in the summer term we have an open evening which gives parents / carers an opportunity to look at pupils learning completed over the year as will as visit their new classrooms and meet their new teachers for the new academic year.

This open evening follows our Moving On mornings when children have had the opportunity to spend a morning learning in their new classrooms with their new teachers.  It also follows the distribution of annual school reports.

The provisional date for this open evening this academic year is Wednesday 9th July 2025 between 3.30pm and 6.00pm.

